Firmenname: Fuscher FREGES GmbH
Straße: Z 85
A-5672 Fusch
Telefon: +43/6545/7295
Fax: +43/6545/7295 13
Company register: 67826w, Landesgericht Salzburg
Behörde lt. ECG: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Zell am See
UID: ATU 47293003
Professional body: Fachgruppe Seilbahnen
Company director: Michael Schösser
Editorial policy: Current information and products from the Grossglockner Zellersee tourism region.
Fuscher FREGES GmbH is a company that focuses on tourism.
Fuscher FREGES GmbH accepts no liability for the completeness or accuracy of the information given, nor how up-to-date it is. Many of the documents on our website and the material used for them (e.g. photos) are covered by copyright law. Use of them above personal and informative use (such as for marketing purposes) is not permitted. Fuscher FREGES GmbH accepts no liability for content accessed via external links or linked content of other websites. We also reserve the right to change content without notice.
Mag. (FH) Peter Wallner, Datenschutz aaS DSB-DPO
Tel. : +43 650 9865065